Lake Macquarie Live Steam Locomotive Society
General Information for prospective members
Anyone over 12 years old can join the club, 12-18 years as a junior member, and once over 18 years as a full member. You do not need to have any technical or metalworking skills. However, there are a couple of requirements:
You will be required to apply for a Working with Children check concerning the NSW Child Protection Act 2012.
Persons wishing to become a member are required to attend club working bees and meeting Sundays for 3 months prior to submitting an application for membership. This 3 months, if your application is accepted, form part of your 12 months' probation period.
You are expected to attend at least 6 maintenance days during your probation period.
You are required to attend the general meeting when your membership application is presented.
Try us before you join
Public running (Community Days) is held on the last Sunday of each month from 1230 to 1530, except during December.
The second Sunday is classified as a Family Day and may be used for non-public special runs commencing 1100 hours.
The club has an Active Membership Provision in accordance with Part 6 of the Act, see Club Rule 18.​
Members shall be a senior member, a life member, a country member or a junior member as detailed in Club Rule 20 - Qualification for Membership, and who assist in the construction, maintenance and operations of track, building and surrounds of the society in accordance with Club Rule 18.
Members who do not comply with Club Rule 18 shall have their membership cancelled under Club Rule 19 - Cancelation Relating to Inactive Members.
Full details of the society's rules and regulations can be found in the "Constitution of the Lake Macquarie Live Steam Locomotive Co-Operative Society Ltd"​
Important: Prospective members planning to build or are building a locomotive or rolling stock should contact the club to obtain details for compliance with club rulings.
Download joining form
(note point 2 above before submitting)